Get To Know The Top 5 Ayurvedic Remedies for Summer Heat

Ayurveda for pitta imbalance

While summer is a time for enjoying the sun, it might leave you uncomfortable and hot. Ayurveda has some fantastic cures that can help if you are looking for ways to cool down organically.

The holistic medical system known as Ayurveda has its roots in India over thousands of years. It depends on the notion that our physical and mental health are governed by three doshas or body kinds. Vatapitta, and kapha are the three doshas.

Ayurveda has several treatments that might help the body and mind cool off in the summer. The top five Ayurveda for pitta imbalance treatment are listed below:

Eat cooling foods:

It's critical to consume cooling meals in the summer to keep your body cool. Cucumber, berries, mint, and cilantro are a few healthy options. Watermelon is another. All of these foods are highly hydrating because of their high water content. Potassium and vitamin C are two more nutrients found in them that aid in bodily cooling.

Drink cooling beverages:

It's needed to drink cooling liquids in addition to consuming cooling foods. Lemonade, coconut water, and herbal teas are all appropriate choices. These drinks contain nutrients that help in cooling the body down as well as hydrating the body.

Avoid hot foods and drinks:

During the summer, it's best to avoid hot foods and drinks. These foods can aggravate the pitta dosha and make you feel even hotter. Instead, opt for cool, refreshing foods and drinks.

Get regular exercise:

The best method to remain cool in the summer is to exercise. But it's crucial to work out when it's cooler outside, like early in the morning or late at night. Avoid working out while it's hot outside because it will only make you feel hotter.

Use cooling oil:

To remove heat from the body, apply cooling oil to the skin. Almond oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, and Ayurvedic herbal oil are a few excellent options. Adding a few drops to your bathwater or immediately applying the oil to your skin are also options.

You may stay cool and comfortable during the summer months by using these Ayurvedic therapies. So, if you ever feel overheated and uncomfortable, seek some cooling foods, drinks, or oils. Your body will appreciate it!

Here are some more Ayurvedic suggestions for keeping cool in the summer:

  • Get enough sleep. Your body can better control its temperature when you get enough sleep. 
  • Spend time in nature. Your body temperature and stress levels can both be lowered by being in nature. 
  • Wear loose, light clothing. This will assist in keeping your skin cool and reducing perspiration. 
  • Take a cool shower or bath. This is a fantastic technique to swiftly chill off. Use a fan or air conditioner. 
  • Use a fan or an air conditioner to maintain a cool temperature if you must stay inside. 

You can stay cool and comfortable during the summer and prevent illnesses brought on by the heat by heeding these recommendations.
